We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
The main surgery telephone number is 0131 549 7300 and the line is open Monday to Friday from 8am – 1pm then from 1pm to 6pm daily. Our surgery opening...
Minor Surgery – What to expect (PIL)
There are several clinics that are located in Mountcastle Healthcare Centre that are not part of Milton Surgery. As such, Milton Surgery is unable to assist with bookings, cancellation, confirmation...
Did you know that your local pharmacist can provide advice on symptoms? Pharmacists can also provide treatments for some conditions included those listed below, or can refer to GP if...
Some of the services we provide are not delivered through the NHS, and are considered private or ‘Non-NHS’ Services. These services include (but are not limited): private sick notes, insurance...
Practice Nurses Milton Surgery has a team of qualified and dedicated Practice Nurses. Our Nurses are very happy to advise patients who have any concerns about health matters. It may...
Please note the new online prescription form is at the bottom of this page Dear patients of Milton Surgery, We understand the worry in these difficult times. Please note, however,...
Many minor ailments such as colds, coughs and indigestion can be treated at home, by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet. Additionally, there are many other local NHS services you can...
If you are ill and off work for longer than seven calendar days, you will need a Doctor’s note. For the first presentation of an illness you must discuss this...
Please telephone 0131 549 7300 between 2pm and 4pm, Monday to Friday to receive your test results. We advise patients to allow a minimum of 1 week before phoning for...
Milton Surgery holds a contract with NHS Lothian to provide Primary Medical Services under Section 17c of the Primary Medical Services Act 2004 General Medical Services 8.00am – 6.00pm daily...
Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 22nd October, 2014