Milton Surgery was founded by Dr James Ledingham in 1959, and originally operated from his private home address.
Dr Ledingham retired in 1996 and was replaced as GP Partner by Dr Gordon Cameron.
In 1997 Dr Morrison joined Milton Surgery as GP Partner, replacing Dr Cummine.
In 2009 Dr Roddin also joined as GP Partner, due to the retirement of Dr Bryden.
Dr Hayes joined Milton Surgery in 2013, and Dr Johal joined in 2015 – both were appointed GP Partners as Dr Scott and Dr Schofield retired.
In 2018 Dr Morrison retired and Dr Deans joined Milton Surgery as GP Partner.
More recently, Dr Lally joined Milton Surgery and was appointed GP Partner in 2021.
In September 2001, Milton Surgery became the first GP practice in the UK to become a PMS (Personal Medical Services) practice. This status was granted following a three year pilot scheme.
As a PMS provider we are able to deliver ‘Chronic Disease Management’ programmes for patients who take regular medication for different medical conditions, and are seen for detailed review frequently by a clinician.
The practice currently holds a contract with NHS Lothian to provide Primary Medical Services under Section 17c of the Primary Medical Services Act 2004.
We are also a training practice, consistently obtaining top targets for cervical screening and childhood immunisation. Additionally we are recognised for provision of health promotion activities and run regular Asthma and Diabetic clinic, in addition to; general medical services, maternity services, contraceptive services and child health surveillance and immunisation.
Our current purpose built premises were opened on 24 August 2005, by Susan Deacon MSP. We are fully accessible for wheelchair users, and share our expansive facilities with a wide ranging team of Community Services including; physiotherapy, baby clinics, podiatry, speech and language therapy and health visitors.
We have a car park for visitors situated next to the surgery. There are limited spaces available. As we are located in a residential area we ask you to please be considerate of our neighbours if using on-street parking.
Public Transport may be a more convenient method of transport to the surgery.
We are well served by nine local bus routes:
Number 4 – stops at the surgery
Numbers 21 & 49 – stop at Duddingston Park South
Numbers 5, 21, 43, 44, 45 and 52 – stop at Milton Road
Our GP Partners and their associates currently provide primary health care to around 8000 patients.
Our patient catchment covers a large area from the East of Edinburgh, to the Meadowbank and Willowbrae areas in the West of the City. We are presently accepting new patients for registration. Please see our boundary map here:
We aim to deliver patient services of the highest standard attainable, and are proud of our long standing commitment to innovative methods of treatment.